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Showing posts from January, 2018

First Step in Taking up Crochet

So you have seen all those cute knitted picture posts of things like blankets, clothes, bags, sandals or even toys! lovely, aren't they? By some invisible lightening strike, you decide to learn crochet and fire up your search engines and google tutorials. Obviously, to start crochet you need a crochet hook and scissors. Personally, I started crochet using a 5mm aluminium hook and a medium sized ball of yarn. Now check out my crochet tools collection! my most treasured possessions 💚 I have just uploaded my first video tutorial on crochet tools basics in Arabic. Check it out:


Hello Hello to my first blog post ever. Yaayy!! I am a stay-at-home mompreneur with a passion for crochet. I am blessed with a loving supportive husband and a fireball 2 year old son. We currently live in Dubai, United Arab Emirates and my mission is to spread knowledge and awareness about crochet (my secret mission is to create more people like me so I share my passion Ha Ha Ha 😈). No seriously, you guys just do not know how beautiful crochet is. It should be advertised and talked about as much as yoga! It is relaxing and helps you destress from continuous thinking. It also helped me during some low times not to mention the immense sense of achievement and satisfaction you feel once you finish a project from a plain ball of yarn. Get ready for the Awws and Woows as well! 😉 I am starting this blog and doing video tutorials to teach crochet. Check out my YouTube channel for more. I am currently doing the videos in Arabic and thinking of doing them in English as well. Hmmmm...